About Us


Thai Cuisine Grows in Popularity!

Thai cuisine is light, fresh and traditionally seasoned with chili peppers and aromatic herbs, a gourmet delight for those who know and love good food. It has a temper. It can be as spicy hot (but not as heavy) as fiery Indian food or as gently flavored as Chinese. The secret to creating versatility in Thai cooking is by delicately balancing between the main ingredients so that one does not overwhelm the other.

What's Our Secret?

Thai Wok, an oriental gem in the heart of Dubai creates intense flavors using only the freshest ingredients. Our authentic Thai chef's cooking reflects a rich mix of the traditional dishes of Thailand's various regions whilst blending in a variety of specialties with all the ingredients including the herbs and seasoning flown in directly from Thailand combined with fresh seafood from the coast of Oman.
